His father, Pierre Trudeau, was an intellectual statesman. Justin Trudeau falls into that grade. The genes are there.

He is a “thoughtful and intelligent guy”, commented former Liberal leader Bob Rae. In his policies, we hope for better and more compassionate Canada.
The clear majority gained by the Liberal Party under his leadership in the 2014 election not only demonstrated the rejection of ultra-right-wing politics of discrimination, anti-immigration and fake security concerns, but it restored the confidence in Canadian values of humanism and compassion.
Justin Trudeau’s rise to political leadership has been like that of an ordinary common man. He worked his own way to climb that ladder. He was not handed life in politics on a platter as being the son of legendary former prime minister.
His adult life began as a school teacher, snowboard instructor, bouncer in a night club, and playing the role of a war hero in a World War 1 TV drama. These credentials show the traits of a young man trying to gain some space in society.
He also has a tattoo of Haida nation printed on his arms. He loves ethnic food; his first outing with his date, now his wife Sophie, was to Khyber Pass, an Afghan restaurant in Montreal. He is an ace Bhangra dancer too.
From this simple portfolio, we can see him as a down-to-earth leader with a thoughtful and intelligent approach to run the affairs of the nation.
He has expressed openness to let in all the views and concerns in dealing with environmental issues.
He pursues a humanitarian and independent foreign policy which is not influenced by the big brothers south of the border. This foreign policy puts Canada in its traditional role of no-combat military involvements, but for peaceful missions only.
His domestic liberal policies include: legalizing marijuana, protection of transgender people, reuniting families of immigrants, reinvigorate ethnic cultures and diversities, and bring more diversity in the government. One of the outstanding features of his leadership has been welcoming refugees.
Mr. Trudeau has recognized the true multicultural fabric of Canada. It was also the hallmark of his father’s political life when he declared multiculturalism as the official policy of the Canadian government.
He has shown his enthusiastic participation in ethnic cultural events. More than that he recognizes the contribution of Canada’s ethnic diversity to make this nation a truly multicultural society of equal opportunities.
There is faith in Mr. Trudeau’s ethnic sentiments. And that is the kind of leadership the ethnic communities feel encouraged to see their involvement in Canadian affairs.
-Promod Puri
(Credit: The picture portrait of Pierre Trudeau on the right is by artist Mayanwy Spencer Pavelic. It hangs in the gallery of the House of Commons)
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