Monday, March 11, 2019

Changing World Needs Changing World Orders

Many rituals, customs, and traditions related to our religions need a review for their practicality in our ever-changing world culture.

Moreover, in progressive development, the call of humanity seeks to re-evaluate each of our religions, rituals, customs, traditions, social and political institutions, including Left and Right isms, which impart values and behaviors impacting our societies.

This resolution is part of the evolution and management of civil society we live in. Evolution of civilization is natural as well as essential for the rational and intelligent creation of environments influencing our lives.
The contemporary world society needs Neologism.

Neologism means to introduce a new word or new senses of existing words. In its expanded definition neologism also involves “a new doctrine, especially a new interpretation of sacred writings”, according to the

-By Promod Puri

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